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(Nolan) Avec les #WhiteSox en 2024 : Miguel Vargas : .105/.218/.168, 13 OPS+. Martin Maldonado : .119/.174/.230, 14 OPS+

(Nolan) Avec les #WhiteSox en 2024 : Miguel Vargas : .105/.218/.168, 13 OPS+. Martin Maldonado : .119/.174/.230, 14 OPS+

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  1. With how much Maldonado got clowned at the start of this season, it’s crazy that they found an even worse batter and gave up an elite pitcher for him.

  2. Miggy put up respectable offense with the Dodgers. It’s sad to see how mentally shot he’s become

  3. Lucky_Alternative965

    Not as bad as the Austin barnes stretch last year. I think he had a negative ops+ for a long time. Brought it up to an unrespectable 37 ops+ though.

  4. Hot-Resource-1075

    Them’s are ~~fightin’~~ surrenderin’ numbers

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