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(Point fort) Séquence complète de Juan Soto qui fait une faute sur le ballon du pied puis frappe un dinger

(Point fort) Séquence complète de Juan Soto qui fait une faute sur le ballon du pied puis frappe un dinger

Par MLBOfficial


  1. man_in_sheep_costume

    I was at this game last night. I fully believe he thought to himself « Well I can’t run on this foot, better hit a home run. » 🤷🏻‍♂️

  2. I get it. Yesterday morning, I caught my ankle on the corner of the coffee table, said some words not age appropriate for the kids, then absolutely crushed the rest of the day. I’m basically the same as Soto.

    I should shuffle.

  3. smoresporn0

    I would like to point out that I did not enjoy this sequence of events

  4. Awkhawksock

    This isn’t a full sequence this is an edit

  5. CalRipkenForCommish

    I don’t understand the pitch sequence. You just got him to swing at one hard and in. He just nearly broke his foot on it, he’s not gonna swing at it again in this at bat. So you throw soft stuff? I know he made a mistake with location, but why not go hard back inside? SMH

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