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(Point fort) À l’occasion du 23e anniversaire du 11 septembre, Nick Castellanos frappe un home run de 2 points pour ouvrir le score

(Point fort) À l’occasion du 23e anniversaire du 11 septembre, Nick Castellanos frappe un home run de 2 points pour ouvrir le score

Par amatom27


  1. caesar____augustus

    Keep it clean and professional in here folks


  2. igonnawrecku_VGC

    Most predictable home run in the history of the sport after what went down yesterday

  3. Mandalore777

    You just knew he was going yard after getting pelted last night

  4. LetsHaveAwkwardSex

    a very normal homerun. noting notable about it

  5. Bombard_02

    Never Forget. Castellanos always reminding us

  6. ActualDragonHeart

    The sun rises in the morning and Nick Castellanos hits homers on major events. Two of the certainties of life.

  7. Weaponized_Goose

    He can’t keep getting away with this

  8. RealMaxHours

    I despise this. Every time I think it’s getting old, he does something to completely confirm its truth

  9. hankcklo

    This might be the most predictable HR in the history lol

  10. Dread it

    Run from it

    Tragedy-related Castellanos HR arrives all the same

  11. cooljammer00

    Effectively Wild did a segment about this, but you can’t just say that every Castellanos HR is attributed to the anniversary of some tragedy, or some unrelated thing. The original event was that it was a guy calling his HR while apologizing for saying slurs on the air.

    You can find a tragedy on every day of the calendar.

  12. Casty to hit a HR on 9/11? Easiest bet of my life

  13. Call_Me_Your_Daddy

    2 runs, 2 towers. The writings on the wall here sheeple wake up

  14. Brian_Stryker

    Everytime someone goes “can we stop the casty meme” he does this shit and just reignites it

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