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(Point fort) Lindor brise le no no du 9e avec un tir en solo qui égalise également le match

(Point fort) Lindor brise le no no du 9e avec un tir en solo qui égalise également le match

Par amatom27


  1. Jagdpanzer1944

    Being a Toronto sports fan fucking sucks a massive dick

  2. FrogginBull

    This guy turns me on from both sides of the plate

  3. tanmoshi

    ESPN sent out a notification about the no-hitter watch and he didn’t even survive one at-bat LMAO

  4. violentWZRD1

    I bet Ohtani has zero game-tying ninth inning homer runs to break up no-hitters this season

  5. Thin-Cartoonist-4608

    Lindor omfg i love you !!!!!!!!

  6. silverstream123

    Keith with the jinx right before the pitch lmao

  7. TheBoilerCat

    Died 1990, born 2024.

    Welcome back Dave Stieb no-hitter heartbreakers!

  8. sithwonder

    Didn’t this happen to Francis like, three weeks ago?

  9. Lucky_Alternative965

    The curse of Taylor Ward will haunt Francis for the rest of his career.

  10. jamaicancovfefe

    Bro, please let us have one singular thing this year

  11. Give the MVP to Keith Hernandez for the jinx

  12. Nights_King

    theres no way that ball landed in one piece. im not even sure it didnt evaporate at some point. he smushed it.

  13. AcerRubrum

    At the game and just yelled the loudest I’ve ever yelled while getting actively booed

  14. Upstream_redteam

    Toronto has been blue balled by both NL MVP candidates now

  15. ggnoobs69420

    Up 0-2

    « yeah ima throw a fastball right down the middle »

  16. DimensionalZodiac

    Every no-hitter taken into the ninth in 2024 has either been completed or broken up with a home run

  17. Number13Judas

    Bowden Francis, the man for the job if you want exactly 24 outs with no hits

  18. KOpackBEmets

    I don’t care what anyone says, there is no player more valuable to their teams success than this man right here!!!

    What a fucking bomb!! It’s just big hit after big hit with Lindor

  19. You just tip your cap to Francis, his 11th career start in the MLB and already his 2nd where he’s taken a no-hitter into the 9th inning

  20. Dave Stieb would be… Well not proud, but y’know

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