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Mort de James Earl Jones : la voix de Dark Vador, la star de « Field Of Dreams », le gagnant de l’EGOT

Mort de James Earl Jones : la voix de Dark Vador, la star de « Field Of Dreams », le gagnant de l’EGOT

Par Stock412


  1. Phillies2002

    Field of Dreams is my favorite movie of all time. And his performance is maybe the best in it. Him and Kevin Costner play off of each other so well. Too many iconic performances to count

  2. Redbubble89

    Let me tell you something my father told me… Look at the stars. The great kings of the past look down on us from those stars. So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be up there to guide you… and so will I.

  3. VladtheInhaler999

    James Earl Jones delivered a great monologue about baseball in field of dreams.

    “The one constant throughout the years, has been baseball.”

    Something said that really resonates and why every one of us are fans of the sport. RIP good sir.

  4. WabbitCZEN

    Rest in peace, sir. Your voice was a constant through the lives of millions and it will forever be one we remember fondly.

  5. FlamingTrollz

    Thank you, for sharing your voice with us.

    Rest in Peace, James. 🙏🏼

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