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Wade Boggs, membre du Temple de la renommée de la MLB, révèle qu’il souffre d’un cancer de la prostate

Wade Boggs, membre du Temple de la renommée de la MLB, révèle qu’il souffre d’un cancer de la prostate

Par NebraskaAvenue


  1. NebraskaAvenue

    Just met him about month ago at the airport, he looked great and in good spirits, fuck cancer man. Kick its ass Boss

  2. Hopefully, they caught it early. If so, it is highly beatable. And gents, let this be a reminder to get checked yearly.

  3. D20_Buster

    Wade Boggs is still very much alive. We don’t need any rip bosshog memes…

  4. ughilostmyusername

    Wade Boggs is the fuckin man. Look at that hair. Glorious specimen. Best of luck to him and fuck cancer.

    Anyone here over forty please consider routinely getting checked. I’d rather have a finger in my ass once a year than no functional peen and possibly death

  5. CheesyPZ-Crust

    My dad’s been dealing with prostate cancer, and thankfully has gone fortunately for us so far. Best wishes to him and his family, hopefully they caught it early and can treat it effectively too!

  6. UneducatedReviews1

    Fellas, don’t fuck around with your prostate. I get that it sucks (for most of yall) but suck it up and get your butthole fingered.

  7. seattlesportsguy

    Maybe in the interest of sending good karma we (temporarily) retire the Always Sunny joke.

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