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(MLB) Samuel Aldegheri devient le premier lanceur d’origine italienne à enregistrer une victoire depuis 1949

(MLB) Samuel Aldegheri devient le premier lanceur d’origine italienne à enregistrer une victoire depuis 1949

Par Jux_


  1. ZappaOMatic

    Third Italian-born pitcher altogether with a win, joining Marino Pieretti (30 wins between 1945 and 1949, the last win in question) and Julio Bonetti (6 wins in 1937 and 1938)

  2. Time_Role_3622

    He discovered the fastball is what he did! He was a brave Italian pitcher. And in this house Samuel Aldegheri is a hero! end of story!

  3. Maxxpowersimpson

    “Italians, bad at war, are well suited for milder competition.”
    – Life Magazine article about Joe DiMaggio in 1939.

    Article also includes this gem: “Although he learned Italian first Joe, now 24, speaks English without an accent and is otherwise well adapted to most U.S. mores. Instead of olive oil or smelly bear grease he keeps his hair slick with water. He never reeks of garlic and prefers chicken chow mein to spaghetti.”

  4. Enough-Ad-3111

    Who knew Italy had a baseball culture of their own?

  5. KatnissBot

    Another massive W for Sams everywhere, ya love to see it.

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