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C’est horrible…

La recrue de Washington Spirit et olympienne de l’équipe féminine de football des États-Unis, Croix Bethune, a subi une blessure au genou qui a mis fin à sa saison après avoir lancé le premier lancer cérémonial lors d’un match des Nationals la semaine dernière.

Par AAronL1968


  1. eddiefarnham

    She shoulda kicked the ball. Even DECOY knew not to attempt to throw it.

  2. NevadaMac

    Very likely this was ready to tear at the very next strenuous move in any sport.

  3. Still somehow less tragic than 50 Cent.

    (no, not really)

  4. The_Nutz16

    My ACL tear was pretty violent. She didn’t even flinch, and was smiling at the end of the video. She musta had some pretty significant damage already.

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