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Vidéo de (On Deck YT) : Les Dodgers diffusent une émission extrêmement salée sans raison apparente à propos de Ben Joyce lançant à 105,5 MPH.

Vidéo de (On Deck YT) : Les Dodgers diffusent une émission extrêmement salée sans raison apparente à propos de Ben Joyce lançant à 105,5 MPH.

Par davidfh5


  1. Slayer_Of_Anubis

    His average is 102 and Chapman hit 105 before as well multiple times, what a weird hill to die on

  2. KimHaSeongsBurner

    It’s fitting that the announcer says they have a bridge to sell anyone who believes he threw 105, because if they think teams are out here systematically fucking with Statcast data to benefit only their guys, then I have a bridge to sell to *them*.

  3. I mean, I’m skeptical myself. I wouldn’t say that if I were on the call, though. Also I’m just some ding dong who has never seen a ball thrown that hard. I don’t have any real good reason to dispute it.

    edit: With the layman-est of calculations, each of his 86mph balls took 30 frames from hand to mitt. The punch-out pitch took 24 frames. 30/24 * 86mph = 107.5mph, so 105.5 would be well within the margin of error. I shouldn’t be so skeptical.

    That said, this would rely on the gun being accurate for the 86mph pitches, I guess.

  4. SwooshGolf

    I can’t even defend this. TBH I can only defend Orel and Joe Davis. But Tim Neverett and Rick Monday.. whatchaaaaaa doin

  5. PatientIndividual651

    So Tim is implying that no one in MLB is actually throwing as hard as the guns say they are??

  6. officerliger

    I wouldn’t call it salty, they said some nice things about Joyce, they just felt the radar gun might have been juiced

  7. TruthSayerFu

    Any guesses of the Midwest and East Coast team they were talking about?? Lmfao

  8. DespacitoGrande

    The sportsnet feed was not better. Earlier in the game they mentioned that Orel could have struck those guys out as well as Buehler did. It was bush league all around last night.

  9. CabbageStockExchange

    I honestly cannot conceive throwing a ball that fast. 105 MPH? That dude has a goddamn rifle for an arm. Incredible

  10. TombOfTheArchitect

    Yeah, I’ve never been a fan of Tim. Karros is another guy I dislike hearing on broadcasts. He talks way too much shit. It’s annoying as a fan to hear your guys saying some stupid shit like this.

  11. orbesomebodysfool

    I think Tim and Rick are conflating two things: old school scout radar guns versus Statcast. In the past, there were some suspect radar gun readings being posted and they very much depended on the operator. But we are past that nowadays and the data are not nearly as suspect as they were.

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