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L’ancien joueur de la MLB Koji Uehara a exprimé son opinion personnelle sur le retour du baseball olympique au statut amateur. Il a déclaré que la WBC prenait de l’ampleur, que la participation aux Jeux olympiques augmenterait la charge de travail des joueurs de la MLB et que les Jeux olympiques devraient être une scène pour les joueurs amateurs.

L’ancien joueur de la MLB Koji Uehara a exprimé son opinion personnelle sur le retour du baseball olympique au statut amateur. Il a déclaré que la WBC prenait de l’ampleur, que la participation aux Jeux olympiques augmenterait la charge de travail des joueurs de la MLB et que les Jeux olympiques devraient être une scène pour les joueurs amateurs.

Par ogasawarabaseball


  1. Correct_Sometimes

    « amateur » and « Olympics » seems a bit odd combo.

    no one is an amateur at thier chosen sport if they’re good enough to go to the Olympics

  2. Reignaaldo

    > He said that the WBC is gaining momentum

    It’s pretty neat that since the introduction of the World Baseball Classic in 2006, it seems that every WBC edition its attendance and TV ratings are trending upwards with the 2023 WBC being the most popular one so far. Not to mention the 2026 WBC is already being hyped up with how early the schedules and team pool formats were being released just this month.

  3. ContinuumGuy

    The Olympics themselves, outside of a few odd ducks like boxing (and even then it’s no longer strictly amateur- there are ways for pros to take part now), have basically indicated they aren’t interested in amateurism anymore and they want the best possible regardless (the only sport that is able to avoid this is men’s soccer, because it’s so popular that there’s really no choice but to include it even in its dumbed-down U23 form).

    It’s not just baseball. The Olympics in general decided that.

  4. Hello pot…meet kettle.

    Koji Uehara, former NPB professional baseball player, who played in the 2004 Olympics, says professional baseball players shouldn’t play in the Olympics.

    The NPB and KBO both suspend their leagues so that the players can play for the national team in the Olympics.

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