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(Point fort) Le premier coup sûr de Griffin Conine dans les ligues majeures est un triple !

(Point fort) Le premier coup sûr de Griffin Conine dans les ligues majeures est un triple !

Par KamartyMcFlyweight


  1. KamartyMcFlyweight

    Per the Marlins broadcast–this would have been a home run in **29 ballparks.** Only in Coors would it have stayed in the park.

  2. Anyone else get emotional from Griffin’s call up or just me and Jeff?

    Jokes aside, his outfield assist in the bottom of the 4th was really nice as well. The kid is putting together a really good first start.

  3. TylerWadesIV

    God I am so fucking hype for this kid. One of the hardest working dudes I know

  4. OvenNo6537

    Wow, what a way to make your mark in the big leagues! Griffin Conine showing off his speed and power right out of the gate.

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