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(Point fort) L’ouvreur du Nationals Park refuse de laisser un adulte prendre une balle fausse de Jazz Chisholm, la donnant plutôt au jeune fan devant lui

(Point fort) L’ouvreur du Nationals Park refuse de laisser un adulte prendre une balle fausse de Jazz Chisholm, la donnant plutôt au jeune fan devant lui

Par Goosedukee


  1. Rated_PG-Squirteen

    As someone with a balding spot, I’ll put it this way. If you have a bald spot, you are far too fucking old to run down the steps to beg for a foul ball. Pathetic, juvenile behavior.

  2. PattyIceNY

    Bro shamed him so bad with that slow headshake, he knew.

  3. I really wanted to say “well he’s just trying to get it for **his** kid”, but no…I see no kid near his seat.

    That’s lame dude.

  4. AlphaGodEJ

    lol what kind of grown man wants a foul ball that bad

  5. Honestly, I’m proud of that guy for giving it a shrug and walking away. He knew what was going on.

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