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(BrooksGate) enregistre ses 50 derniers matchs

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. Meet_The_Grahams

    The Mariners made a lot of bookies a lot of money this year.

  2. battle_schip

    Goddamn dude at least the Marlins have the excuse of trading every fucking player on their roster

    And the White Sox are a AAA team on its way to relegation

    We were BUYERS this year!

  3. Total I-10 Dominance.

    (The Chihuahuas are on I-10, so San Diego counts!)

  4. Giants have the 9th best record and fell further back to 3 division rivals. Damn, NL West is hot right now.

  5. jfrodriguez1983

    I remember the Astros being pretty meh, we were sucking, and the Mariners being 10 games up. What the hell happened? I know the Astros got hot and back on track, but still!

  6. grimm_jowwl

    A’s have been playing some decent ball as of late.

  7. Can you find any stretch of games in which the White Sox aren’t trash?

  8. NewDadPleaseHelp

    28th has double the wins of 30th. What the hell, White Sox?

    Edit: the gap between 29 and 30 is the same as 4th and 28th

  9. Braves/Yankees/Phillies: “Thank the baseball gods the season started before July!”

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