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Déclaration de Scott Servais

Déclaration de Scott Servais

Par NevermoreSEA


  1. BlueChampionMonster

    He wasn’t perfect, few are. But what you always got with Scott was a man that loved the game, the players and always working hard. I always enjoyed Scott and I think M’s fans did too. But all managers times come. For what it’s worth, he is in the upper tier of Mariner managers for sure, no one can take that from him.

  2. Knightbear49

    “…just days ago, held first place in a fiercely competitive division.”


  3. MichelHollaback

    I’m curious how Mariners fans see him because I don’t know much about the team this year. Aside from the hitting woes, which T-Mobile and the hitting coach should get a big chunk of the blame for, was he actually bad? Did he make questionable decisions with handling pitching later in games? Ridiculous lineups? Out of control clubhouse?

  4. « He will have more to add tonight as the special guest at the Democratic National Convention. »

  5. It sucks because you can tell that not only does he love baseball, he loves the Mariners, but somebody had to go down for this, and ownership will rarely admit they’re the problem.

  6. superhappyfuntime13

    Thank you for your servant-like attitude.

    Wait did I do that right?

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