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John Tumpane, un désastre dans le match Orioles vs Mets

John Tumpane, un désastre dans le match Orioles vs Mets

Par swingandmiss7


  1. The kid absolutely nailing the announcer tone on a bad call is awesome.

  2. appleavocado

    Having only watched the walk-off of this game, and knowing zero percent of the context, I absolutely love the kid’s reaction:

    > « Ins- ohh!! »

  3. Finklesworth

    Laz Diaz and his whole crew is an absolute fucking disaster in the Rays/A’s game as well.

  4. lmao excellent call by the kid and even had a hilarious small story to tell that was relevant

  5. Frightenedsenior

    John Tumpane and Hunter Wendelstedt – two names I’ve seen a lot this year

  6. The Mets have such a good broadcasting team that we have a farm system of children broadcasters who are better than some professionals

  7. Negative_Method_1001

    Butto’s changeup is disgusting. Arguably the best in baseball. That’s a strike for 58 feet and then it just goes into the dirt.

  8. Mattie_Doo

    MLB has to evaluate its umpires, and this guy isn’t good enough. He simply can’t call balls and strikes.

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