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(Point fort) Max Muncy frappe un home run de deux points à son retour pour étendre l’avance !

(Point fort) Max Muncy frappe un home run de deux points à son retour pour étendre l’avance !

Par kpopsns28


  1. I get physically angry watching Max Muncy hit. This man just doesn’t chase. You can almost hear him sneering “that’s 0.16cm outside” as he takes a ball 1. Two-strike counts don’t faze him. Then he’ll whip out a hellacious dong on the 9th pitch. He’s suffocating. He’s Max Muncy.

  2. areyougame

    I get physically angry watching Max Muncy hit. This man just doesn’t chase. You can almost hear him sneering « that’s 0.16cm outside » as he takes a ball 1. Two-strike counts don’t faze him. Then he’ll whip out a hellacious dong on the 9th pitch. He’s suffocating. He’s Max Muncy

  3. شعر بالغضب الجسدي عندما أشاهد ماكس مونسي يضرب الكرة. هذا الرجل لا يطارد الكرة. يمكنك أن تسمعه تقريبًا وهو يسخر « هذه الكرة على بعد 0.16 سم خارج الملعب » عندما يضرب الكرة 1. لا يزعجه عدد الضربات التي تصل إلى ضربتين. ثم يضرب الكرة بقوة في الرمية التاسعة. إنه يختنق. إنه ماكس مونسي.

  4. That blast came from the Muncy. That thing is operational

  5. PelorTheBurningHate

    Hellacious dongs are back on the menu, boys!

  6. shady__redditor

    My beautiful, rectangular, and physically angry man. 

  7. mallslut420

    All right Los Angeles! 🤢

    Let’s go Dodgers!! 🤮

  8. WerewolfNo3669

    I missed this man so much. Out lineup feels so much less top heavy with Muncy in it.

  9. 0n30faK1nD

    I’m still hungry guys. You know what might fill me up? Some pasta…

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