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Classement graphique de la MLB – 19 août 2024

Classement graphique de la MLB – 19 août 2024

Par crivexp2


  1. The White Sox are a professional baseball team with a current record of 30-95, meaning that they are 65 games below 0.500

    The other AL teams with a losing record (Jays, Tigers, Rangers, Angels, A’s) are a combined 58 games below 0.500

  2. shadedmoonlight

    do the White Sox even exist, except as a distant memory?

  3. IllogicalBarnacle

    the NL central is a bunch of mid but not bad teams and then the Brewers flying away on our private beer jet

  4. dinkleburgenhoff

    These line graphs that have a team disappearing will always be hilarious.

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