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(Goodman) Clay Holmes mène la MLB avec 10 sauvetages ratés cette saison. Le point mérité en neuvième manche qui a envoyé ce match en prolongations porte son ERA à 2,88 en 2024.

(Goodman) Clay Holmes mène la MLB avec 10 sauvetages ratés cette saison. Le point mérité en neuvième manche qui a envoyé ce match en prolongations porte son ERA à 2,88 en 2024.

Par EarthWarping


  1. good thing he’s been practicing japanese all weekend

  2. Hey, at least his team can trust him to pitch in the 9th sometimes, unlike a certain other « closer » in the AL East.

  3. cant wait for him to blow another save in the playoffs so Boone can say « its right there in front of us » while he and cashman somehow get another contract extension

  4. UsErNaMeS_aR_DuMb

    I for one am very glad that Clay Holmes is still trusted to close games for the Yankees for… certain reasons.

  5. BaltimorefanfromNJ

    When will give Clay the treatment O’s gave Kimbrel and just not use him as a top 3 option? Or are they too stubborn?

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