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(Hughes) Ketel Marte s’effondre une fois de plus sur sa cheville gauche alors qu’il frappe du côté gauche. Il quitte le terrain en boitant gravement.

Je sais que c’est un peu tard, mais les fans des D-backs veulent-ils donner leur avis sur les raisons pour lesquelles ils continuent à mettre Marte alors qu’il semble qu’il ne soit pas en bonne santé ?

Par Wise_ol_Buffalo


  1. He went 1 for 3 with a walk yesterday and looked fine, but this is scary

  2. horsepoop1123

    What is this, the third time he’s been injured in the last week?

  3. robmcolonna123

    The game is always better when its stars play, but this feels like they’re risking a much worse injury instead of giving him 10 days of rest

  4. cooljammer00

    I assume it’s the same reason any team in a tight race might play their guys before they’re ready/the players might pretend they are healthy and ready when they aren’t. They want to play and win.

  5. Can only blame management on this one. Players will always want to play. No reason he should be out there if it had the potential to be this bad.

  6. This feels like when Corbin hurt his shoulder on a swing last year, and then like a week later the same thing happened again.

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