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Ty France lâche la batte alors qu’il est éliminé et la batte atterrit directement dans la poubelle

Ty France lâche la batte alors qu’il est éliminé et la batte atterrit directement dans la poubelle

Par swingandmiss7


  1. RelativeGas9197

    That bat really wanted to join the strikeout party! It’s like, I’m outta here! Hopefully, it found some new friends in the trash can. Maybe they’ll start a support group for discarded sports equipment.

  2. latterdaysasuke

    Dude will never live this down. I just feel bad for him at this point.

  3. If that isn’t a sign from the baseball gods that you’re cooked I don’t know what is

  4. glass__beaches

    Down 10-0 is possibly the worst moment to have this happen

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