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Au cours de sa séquence de 20 matchs avec coup sûr, Vladdy frappe pour .507 avec 10 circuits, 10 doubles et 22 points produits.

Au cours de sa séquence de 20 matchs avec coup sûr, Vladdy frappe pour .507 avec 10 circuits, 10 doubles et 22 points produits.

Par OK_SpeakToMe


  1. OK_SpeakToMe

    What can you say Vladdy has been on 🔥 during this stretch, raising his AVG to .321 and OPS to .945 !

  2. AppealToReason16

    I’m just glad teams are still pitching to him. He’s the only reason to follow along right now and we’re getting to see cool stuff.

  3. SterlingAdmiral

    tHe aL hAs No gOoD fIrSt bAsEmEn

  4. Thorlolita

    So they could have won the World Series last year if he cut his hair. This is some hard hitting analysis.

  5. McMelon98

    If Roger’s doesn’t sign him long term,


  6. How the hell has this not been news before today?? That’s insane!! Go Blue Jays. It would make me happy to see them go on a run.

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