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Clarification de certaines confusions concernant l’appel d’obstruction lors du match des Phillies contre les Dodgers d’hier soir

J’ai vu des gens se concentrer beaucoup trop sur le moment où le tag a été effectué, mais cela n’a aucune importance. Les gens ne semblent pas se rendre compte que l’appel d’obstruction a été fait à l’approche du sac, dans lequel Bohm a dû modifier sa glissade pour s’approcher du sac parce que le joueur de troisième but n’avait pas encore la balle lorsqu’il a traversé devant le sac.

Bohm a dû modifier sa glissade pour s’approcher de la base, ce qui est exactement ce que la MLB veut que les arbitres appellent étant donné le point sur lequel l’accent est mis cette année :,base%20before%20regiving%20the %20balle.

Je comprends que ce soit une règle stupide et déroutante, mais l’arbitre l’a prononcée comme la ligue le souhaite. Si vous avez un problème, adressez-vous à la ligue, pas à l’arbitre.

Par why_doineedausername


  1. Skywalkerkid9

    If Bohm plows into Rojas and breaks his ankle trying to take the most direct path, that wouldn’t be good y’all

    The rule is a rule for a reason

  2. DecoyOne

    Honestly, I saw it the same way. Definitely unintentional, definitely a hard play to make without blocking the runner, but the fact that he came in front of him to make the catch made it seem like the right call.

    Just a tough spot.

  3. ih-unh-unh

    While I agree with your description and still photo you included, there was also a different description according to []( in February this year:

    *Fielders may continue to block the base while in possession of the ball and* **while in the act of receiving the ball**. *The latter exception has historically been interpreted to mean all defensive activity with the ball headed in the fielder’s direction. The guidance being applied in 2024 makes it more clear to umpires that the blocking of the base is only acceptable if such positioning is* **necessary to catch the ball or apply the tag**. *Otherwise, it is obstruction.*

  4. WhiteToast-

    The act of receiving the ball caused Rojas to be positioned like that. He didn’t get the ball, then post up infront of the bag. If this exact same play happened at home it would have been an out

  5. MoreMostFirst

    Actually, this still image further proves the point that it was the wrong call. Look where the baseball already is. It is necessary for Rojas to be there, in order to catch the baseball.

    There’s a reason it was the first ejection for Roberts this year, as he generally stays very even keeled. He also never really argues things that are not reviewable because it basically means an automatic ejection. This call was so blatantly egregious, even Roberts couldn’t keep his cool.

  6. Appropriate-Sort-202

    It was a bullshit call and changed the course of the game. If this happened to the Phillies, Phillies fans would feel the exact same way. Nothing Bohm or Rojas did wrong. The ump is on a power trip and has been known to be high and mighty. His argument with Boone earlier this year takes the cake. The fucking guy wants to impact the game whatever it takes and doesn’t care about the spirit of the game.

    Every single team is being impacted by bullshit calls and it’s getting worse every year. Phillies got hosed in the first game of the series too that was game altering. It’s about time the league stepped in and did something about it. No other American sports league has this much scrutiny about poor officiating and the MLB is in trouble if this keeps up.

  7. joedan31

    >alter his slide to approach the base

    You can make the argument this happens on every close tag.

  8. Consistent-Split3146

    All this call did was give a bad bunt and a safe call! Absolute shit call! Every time a runner strides his slide path is altered!

  9. TJF1964

    I am a Phillies fan, been for a long time ( I am old as hell ) . But I have to say the imps call was not good on this play . Rojas was simply playing the ball , there was no deliberate attempt at blocking Bohm from the bag .

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