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(Daryl Van Schouwen) L’entraîneur remplaçant Charlie Montoyo semble être le manager intérimaire logique des White Sox. J’ai également entendu dire que l’entraîneur Grady Sizemore pourrait être une possibilité.

(Daryl Van Schouwen) L’entraîneur remplaçant Charlie Montoyo semble être le manager intérimaire logique des White Sox. J’ai également entendu dire que l’entraîneur Grady Sizemore pourrait être une possibilité.

Par Far_Cry3445


  1. cooljammer00

    Grady Sizemore managing the White Sox feels like a psychological attack on Cleveland

    Also Montoyo, lol.

  2. PSChris33

    > Charlie Montoyo

    Haven’t the White Sox suffered enough?

  3. positivelybroadst

    I’m guessing either third base coach Eddie Rodriguez or advisor Brian Bannister. Montoya is too passive for this particular team…

  4. xEvinous

    The Blue Jays are prepared to offer the Chicago White Sox 1 slightly used Don Mattingly, completely free of charge.

  5. Willing-Reaction-203

    Charlie Montoyo is experienced and has the respect of the team. Grady Sizemore brings energy and fresh ideas. Both options have their strengths. It’ll be interesting to see who the White Sox go with.

  6. Astrallevel

    Charlie will not only be a bad manager, he’ll throw players under the bus just cause he feels like it

  7. TheDirtyBurger522

    Jays fans about to have a field day

  8. park7911

    At this point, just hire Ozzie. That team won’t be competitive for at least the next 5 years but at least it’d be entertaining

  9. fuckyeaahbud

    I hope the White Sox players like bongos.

  10. bichettes_helmet

    Jays fans in here talking about Montoyo like he didn’t successfully manage a team to 91 wins while playing in 3 different homes during a pandemic.

    Montoyo was not a perfect manager by any means and the Jays moved on from him when it was time to do so, but he was far from as awful as people paint him to be.

    Y’all could do worse than Montoyo tbh.

  11. MacsDildoBike

    TIL Grady Sizemore is still in baseball.

  12. Antikickback_Paul

    Hey Sizemore! My ~~sister~~ *historically bad team* told me ~~she’s pregnant~~ *they have no manager*. C’mon, you jerk!

  13. Boomhauer_007

    It’s crazy to me how many people in these comments don’t see this job for the career suicide that it is

    What’s Rick Renteria doing right now? Which teams wanted Ventura after he resigned? Who’s waiting to scoop up Grifol?

  14. Jeff_Banks_Monkey

    Grady Sizemore as a coach makes me feel old

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