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(Point fort) Hunter Wendlestedt appelle une obstruction en troisième base et Dave Roberts est expulsé

(Point fort) Hunter Wendlestedt appelle une obstruction en troisième base et Dave Roberts est expulsé

Par Jux_


  1. And the runner immediately scores on a fielders choice to tie the game and threaten a lead…

    Edit: Yep. Now 2 outs bases loaded for Schwarber who is 2/2 with 3 RBIs. Inning should already be over with a 4-3 Dodgers lead

    Edit: Phillies take the lead as if they weren’t fucking hard enough to beat without all the BS going their way all fucking series

    Edit: 5 runs and counting this inning with 2 outs. Most impactful call of the season (at least for the Dodgers)

  2. usetheforce_gaming

    Absolute horeshit

    wtf is Rojas supposed to do??

  3. GalloNegr0

    One of the worst calls I’ve ever seen

  4. blownmirk

    Hmmm. We’ll haven’t seen that before.

  5. ImaManCheetahh

    no words. That call just handed the Phillies a tie game.

    Edit: and the lead. congrats Philly.

  6. SuckMyLonzoBalls

    The hell is Rojas supposed to do there

  7. DalekEvan

    Just an absolutely fucking ridiculous call in every sense of the word

  8. FPG_Matthew

    Why is it always the umps that you know are a problem. Hunter has been in the middle of a LOT of stupid stuff this season

  9. ahr3410

    Roberts only gets ejected for actual bullshit. Having a guy hosed with the ball is interference now

  10. Loud_Ad393

    Umps have been atrocious this game for both sides. Unfortunately the one that goes against LA is not reviewable.

  11. The_Angriest_Guy

    what in the fuck are you supposed to do?

  12. DoctorTheWho

    How can it be obstruction when the fielder gets there at the same time and is making a play on the ball?

  13. IAmThatDuckDLC5

    The fact I don’t see anyone defending this call is telling

  14. laramgers88

    Wendlestedt, proud graduate of Angel Hernandez University

  15. SneekySinper17

    One of the worst calls this season! We should all be celebrating the athleticism of that of that play, but are instead going to be talking about the bullshit that is Hunter Wendelstedt!!

  16. Just an absolutely inexcusable, game-changing call that should have never been made. Fuck Wendelstedt. This ump crew in general has been horrible. Phillies have already successfully challenged three incorrect calls that were obviously wrong when made. This is the worse one by far though.

  17. Kitchen-Ad-5571

    baseball script need Phillies winning.

  18. way-too-many-napkins

    Rough call, even the Phillies broadcast admitted as such. Weird that it isn’t reviewable tbh

  19. JoshBarkley

    Ump backing away from Robert’s while shouting No with his hands like a scared little sibling is hilarious

  20. Darthraiders87

    Such a bullshit call. He wasn’t blocking the bag, he was making a play and he was out by a while

  21. Not_Evil_

    About as bad of a call as you can get. And the Phillies immediately benefited from it.

  22. daniel_j_saint

    Why the fuck isn’t this a reviewable play?? Such a stupid system.

  23. jerrylessthanthree

    one of the worst calls of all time

  24. And the Phillies gonna go to put up 5 runs this inning

  25. Appropriate-Sort-202

    Fuck that fat fuck. And robot umps can’t even fix that shit. Umps are fucking goons and getting worse every year.

  26. chrisumafp

    I know there are umpires that post on this sub, can an umpire chime in on this one

  27. Kitchen-Ad-5571

    gifted win by the umpires for Philadelphia.

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