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Tableau des probabilités de victoire des Padres contre les Pirates ce soir

Tableau des probabilités de victoire des Padres contre les Pirates ce soir

Par JanitorOfSanDiego


  1. triplec787

    Genuinely can’t believe they got out of a bases loaded, up 3, no outs jam after Morejon’s first pitch lmao

  2. Seananagans

    This game was like watching a train go off the tracks, ram through a major city, miss every building and person, and then somehow get back on the tracks and ride away.

  3. thecountoncleats

    I wrote this comment about the Pirates 76 days ago. Tell me what’s changed:

    “They’re masters at manufacturing losses. SP’s pitching good enough to win? Lineup couldn’t hit sand if they fell off a camel. Lineup starts to hit? Bullpen literally cannot throw strikes. Tight game, they commit some fielding error or baserunning fuck up.

    Roster aside, there’s a cultural commitment to losing — or a cultural indifference to winning, take your pick — and it starts at the top.”

  4. Prowlerbaseball

    Truly the most sickening evening of baseball I’ve ever witnessed

  5. TheWawa_24

    pirating is stronger than padrasing so far

  6. Arrowoods

    Man, umps were bad both ways all game, but you coulda convinced me they had big bets on the pirates based on that bottom of the 10th shitshow.

  7. Seananagans

    Is that 17 changes? My heart was ready to explode.

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