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Les malheurs d’être Clay Holmes : un contact doux, mais à quel prix ?

En tant que fan de Clay Holmes, j’ai toujours voulu mettre cela en place.

Par sparrowbushpot


  1. coolratguy

    That’s dead ball era style baseball, love it.

  2. thediesel26

    This is giving me anxiety

    u/jomboy needs to see this

  3. RIP_Greedo

    I don’t think the Yankees infield has had a clean inning behind Holmes all year.

  4. StevenMC19

    Choppers are like fire alarms.

    You can train and drill and follow the processes of them, but you’re always caught flat-footed when a real one goes off.

  5. WabbitCZEN

    I’m seeing a lot of the fielders playing back when he gets those grounders.

  6. roasthandofcaillou

    This gives me Jordan Hicks flashbacks of 103 mph sinkers turning into dribblers no one can get to

  7. legendkiller003

    Couple of those are clean singles if they weren’t soft contact, but besides that yeah it really sucks sometimes. That Phillies game infuriated me last week.

  8. SnakeManJenkins

    This is why strikeout pitchers are so valuable

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