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(Dickson) Gregory Soto a déjà accordé deux fois moins de points mérités avec les Orioles (8) qu’avec les Phillies (16). Il a lancé 1,1 manche à Baltimore.

(Dickson) Gregory Soto a déjà accordé deux fois moins de points mérités avec les Orioles (8) qu’avec les Phillies (16). Il a lancé 1,1 manche à Baltimore.

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  1. IAmTasso

    He was a mess yesterday. He was responsible for all 5 runs the team gave up. 4 were charged to him but he came in inheriting a runner on 1st with 2 outs who he let score. Our offense never got anything going but if Soto just got the 1 out he came in for we may have very well shutout the Jays after having our starter scratched minutes before first pitch and having to patch together a last second swing man/bullpen game.

  2. jawarren1

    Hyde’s fault for not letting Burch Smith finish the inning, tbh. Not saying bringing in Soto with a clean inning changes the outcome, but Hyde has to start letting his guys step up.

  3. ChasingEchoes11

    I’ll keep apologizing for this man the rest of the season. No one deserves to suffer through him pitching for their team.

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