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(Red Sox) Quiconque aime le BDSM (Big Dom Smith Moments) est notre ami sans présentation.

(Red Sox) Quiconque aime le BDSM (Big Dom Smith Moments) est notre ami sans présentation.

Par EdwinMoq


  1. Luis_Severino

    There’s no way the Red Sox tweeted this… well if they did it’s gone now and someone got yelled at 

  2. mysterysackerfice

    Bdsm means something completely different where I’m from. Big Dong, Small Mulva for those that are wondering.

  3. aslightlyusedtissue

    Hey! So this is actually insane.

  4. Jonjon428

    Whatever intern sent this out is about to be packing their bags

  5. UsedToThrow90

    Life lesson: Never make a risque or edgy joke without knowing your audience. There are plenty I make around my friends that I would never make around my grandmother, for instance. Hopefully this soon to be unemployed individual learns that.

  6. 7Streetfreak6

    Dom ‘ BULL ‘ Smith 😉✌🏻🕶️

  7. Lieutenant_Doge

    This is once in the life time tweet and you deleted it?


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