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(Justice pour les fans d’Oakland) Les amis, nous avons une BOMBE ! 🚨🚨‼️‼️ Un employé des A’s m’a communiqué le nombre RÉEL de billets restants (2 757), alors que le site Web des A’s n’en indique que 7 ! Cela CONFIRME que les A’s retiennent des sièges pour créer une fausse pénurie et augmenter le prix des billets !!!

(Justice pour les fans d’Oakland) Les amis, nous avons une BOMBE ! 🚨🚨‼️‼️ Un employé des A’s m’a communiqué le nombre RÉEL de billets restants (2 757), alors que le site Web des A’s n’en indique que 7 ! Cela CONFIRME que les A’s retiennent des sièges pour créer une fausse pénurie et augmenter le prix des billets !!!

Par Cilantro42


  1. SirParsifal

    10 bucks says this is a simple discrepancy between ticketing systems or the tickets are reserved in some way or some mundane explanation. How do the A’s benefit from holding back seats if it’d be a sellout either way?

  2. Cilantro42

    For context, fans have been tracking the remaining tickets for the final game at the Coliseum. They have noticed from the official A’s ticket site, they have been largely sold out… But then mysteriously, new sections will open up, but for higher prices. Currently, the worst seats in the stadium are selling for over $100. The A’s claim that it’s simple « dynamic pricing » and that they are not withholding tickets. They further state that dynamic pricing is in place to protect fans AGAINST scalpers.

  3. Frustrating to no end.. can’t believe how poorly those fans get treated

  4. This is not a bombshell. Literally every venue that thinks an event will sell out does this. Scarcity sells.

  5. RaymondSpaget

    Its called dynamic pricing, and lots of MLB teams, teams in other sports, and fast food slop merchants are doing this, now. Its not a conspiracy of the kind you think it is.

  6. MeatballDom

    Oh boy, another unhinged A’s conspiracy theory in baseball.

  7. Comfortable_Brain696

    Yea I mean this is a big “source: trust me bro”. There’s just so many things that could affect whether this is true or not, so I can’t believe it. Not to mention the possible rational explanations and lack of simple things like timestamps 

  8. JiveChicken00

    At this point you could tell me that the A’s are roasting live kittens and I’d probably believe it.

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