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J’espère vraiment que ce fan des White Sox va bien.

J’espère vraiment que ce fan des White Sox va bien.



  1. SadAthleticsFan

    I don’t think any White Sox fan is doing ok lmao

  2. channongail

    I can’t decide if I feel worse for Sox fans or Athletics fans at this point.

  3. StreetReporter

    The rant is amazing, but I love the hosts just chuckling and letting him continue

  4. XXXcoreXXX

    What’s going on guys, listen, first of all, huge fan, long time listener, first time caller. I know regardless of your individual allegiances, I love that you both look at these things objectively, and you provide a service to the fans of Chicago, we owe you a debt of gratitude. I’ve been a diehard Chicago White Sox fan for nearly 40 years. I say that with the very express intent of sharing my deep and undying love for this team, and my call is rooted in heartbreak, not anger. Don’t get me wrong, I’m angry, but it is a byproduct of a dysfunctional abusive relationship with the front office, and the ownership of the Chicago White Sox. I also want to say I have defended this rebuild. I liked what the team did with the trades, I defended Yasmani and Dallas, I didn’t understand the La Russa hire, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt. I forgave the free agents they let go, I was BEFUDDLED by the Benintendi and Clevinger signings, but you know what, I said, I’m going to give them one last shot, and when they canceled Sox Fest, like the cowards they are, I knew something was up. But now we know, obviously the experiment is over, the vast majority of the prospects have been busts. The product on the field is pathetic; we have exactly two players of excellence on this roster, Dylan Cease and Tim Anderson. Everyone else is nowhere near the kind of player they need to be to make this a winning team. You’d think that would be enough to wake this organization up, but yesterday Kenny Williams had the gall to say that he’s not in a good place right now, and accountability is not an issue. You’re right he’s not in a good place, he’s not in a job he should have. Think about all the promises that Rick Hahn made, mired in mediocrity, he bragged about Romy Gonzalez in spring training, and ‘I’ll trade him if I get the right price.’ Think about the things that Grifol said, ‘come to the park we’re gonna kick everyone’s butt.’ They must’ve been talking about the fans, not the other team! The entire lineup is batting under .220! The best hitter on the team is JAKE BURGER! We’re a Triple-A team! Our right fielders are hitting .180, with a weighted run created plus of 28! I don’t even need to tell you about the pitching staff, Katz has gotta go. Moncada, T.A., Eloy, Yas, Joe Kelly, it’s Week 4 they’ve all already been hurt! Tens of millions of dollars on replacement level players, while stars go elsewhere. We’re 11 games under .500, the Bears needed six months to get 11 games under .500, we needed three weeks. In the 15 years of Rick Hahn, we have been a constant experiment that has never panned out. In the 25 years of Kenny Williams, we had exactly one season of excellence with a perfect storm of players that has not once come even close to being the same. I don’t want to hear about the strength of schedule in April. With the money we’ve spent, the players we have, playing .500 ball should be underachieving, not 11 games under .500! We keep going after players that Rick Hahn liked five years ago. Lance Lynn, over the hill. Yas, over the hill. Benintendi, he wanted him in the draft six years ago, he’s got a 0.1 WAR. Clevinger isn’t just a clubhouse cancer, and a disgusting human being, he’s a horrendous pitcher! Joe Kelly has been useless! We signed Vince Velazquez, give me a break! John Jay, Yonder Alonso, between them that’s $200 million on a bunch of black holes and an ERA of 240! The entire organization is pointless. The entire way they go about their business is a failure. Firing Rick isn’t enough, firing Kenny isn’t enough. If Chris Getz gets promoted, and we have to sit through another 15 year retool/rebuild, you’re just gonna hear from me again in 2038! I don’t care if we go on a torrid winning streak in May and June and somehow get back to .500 ball, and then we scooch our way into the postseason in the Wild Card, only to get bounced right away by a team that’s actually good. We have no depth in our organization, one injury and we are DONE. This process isn’t working, our farm system has been in the BOTTOM TEN for 45 years, aside from the one frame of time when they traded all our talent away and graduated them all right up, and then we were the worst again! There is one solution, in his final years, Jerry Reinsdorf, who by the way, wouldn’t even have the reputation he has if he hadn’t lucked upon Michael Jordan at 3 in 1984, has the courage to get rid of the yes-men around him and fire everyone. He bought into the Chicago White Sox for $20 million, he’s worth $2 billion now. He needs to use a fraction of that money he made on the backs of Chicago’s blue collar baseball fans and pay for a front office to come and rebuild everything. Rick Hahn and Kenny Williams can not be trusted to rebuild this team again. They need to retire and go off into the sunset and play golf with the millions of dollars they made on their cushy paychecks for a job that they had a longer leash for than any executive in the history of the modern era of baseball. Let someone qualified come in and run this team. At this point, we would need a HISTORIC turnaround to even be mildly relevant. Everyone says the AL Central was weak, and it might be in comparison to others, but the Sox aren’t better than the Guardians or the Twins. We’re not even better than the Royals! And the fact that we’re only instrumentally better than the Tigers is exactly the kind of indictment on this organization that we need. The lack of success that this roster has is a referendum of what we’ve already seen in 2006, 2007, 2011, 2013, 2015 and 16, and the excruciating last seven years that only led to this. I mean, Stoney is more worried about Lance Lynn eating a salad than the entire organization not knowing how to teach major league prospects HOW TO HIT A BASEBALL!! »

  5. Ohhellnowhatsupdawg

    A legendary call. I laugh my ass off every time I hear it. 

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