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Un fan des White Sox avec une pancarte « Allez les gars, gagnez-en un, s’il vous plaît »

Un fan des White Sox avec une pancarte « Allez les gars, gagnez-en un, s’il vous plaît »

Par carterlowe2000


  1. carterlowe2000

    Also fuck you Manfred for making me a White Sox fan by virtue of them being the only team out of **SIX** neighboring teams in eastern Iowa not blacked out

  2. LookIsawRa4

    But then the legendary loss streak will end

  3. counteroffer19

    Fuck. Poor guy. Stop the bleeding, please.

  4. horsepoop1123

    He looks like he’s trying to explain something in great detail.

    *How his life got to this point.*

  5. 7Stringplayer

    The other side of his sign read « I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed »

  6. They gotta at least get the record, or this will all have been for nothing

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