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« Il est temps maintenant de publier notre rapport sur les blessures, présenté par WellNow Urgent Kill – Care. » Les diffuseurs des White Sox ont bâclé le nom du sponsor

« Il est temps maintenant de publier notre rapport sur les blessures, présenté par WellNow Urgent Kill – Care. » Les diffuseurs des White Sox ont bâclé le nom du sponsor

Par Stock412


  1. ItsCaptainKeyboard

    Chicago’s 21st consecutive L

  2. ChasmaBoreale

    well if i were a white sox fan i’d probably want to be urgently killed too

  3. Wraithfighter

    Yeah, I know that feeling, White Sox broadcasters. When the only reason people are watching is because they’re hoping your team loses…

  4. Skywalkerkid9

    There goes the WellNow Urgent Care sponsorship for the White Sox

  5. jettasarebadmkay

    Worst Oakland-related broadcaster flub

  6. HendriksAppreciator

    I mean, I agree because I wouldn’t describe urgent care as either urgent or caring.

  7. kungfoojesus

    No, you had it right the first time. Private equity urgent cares are straight garbage. “Well now” sounds like MBA sociopaths looking for the most bland name possible to obfuscate the theft of healthcare $$ from Americans.

  8. mecheng93

    No one likes John. Except for Jerry because he’s cheaper than Jason.

  9. trashboatfourtwenty

    I still think Pat Hughes having to say « Hefty, Hefty, Hefty » after home runs on Cubs radio is the best current sponsorship

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