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(LookoutLanding) Robles dit que rejoindre une nouvelle équipe – une où il n’est pas l’ancien meilleur espoir Victor Robles, mais juste « Vic », comme l’appelle son capitaine – a été une nouvelle opportunité, lui permettant de mettre de côté le bagage qu’il portait et de se concentrer à nouveau sur son statut de joueur de baseball.

(LookoutLanding) Robles dit que rejoindre une nouvelle équipe – une où il n’est pas l’ancien meilleur espoir Victor Robles, mais juste « Vic », comme l’appelle son capitaine – a été une nouvelle opportunité, lui permettant de mettre de côté le bagage qu’il portait et de se concentrer à nouveau sur son statut de joueur de baseball.

Par NevermoreSEA


  1. UncommonSense0

    I’m happy for him. I hope he keeps it up. The talent was always there, he just always seemed to be trying to hard (or too little) with us.

  2. bherring24

    Thrilled he’s killing it, he deserved better than this situation in DC

  3. SeattleSporting

    I don’t follow the Nationals really that much, but I do imagine after Soto came up and took the league by storm and has continued to be one of the best hitters in baseball ever since, there was a high level of expectation placed on Robles to also match that quality of play given the prospect pedigree he had

    And seemingly, that expectation just became too much at some point. Being able to go to a team now where he isn’t expected to be THE guy has relieved that burden

  4. hickopotamus

    So often I’ve seen players leave the Mariners and immediate become great hitters. It’s pretty bizarre to see the opposite happen. I’ve loved watching Robles and would like to see a modest contract extension offered.

    Arozarena, Julio, & Robles through 2026 sounds like a pretty great outfield

  5. TheSimonToUrGarfunkl

    Wait someone went to Safeco and started hitting BETTER??

  6. screaminginfidels

    This dude almost single-handedly saved the vibes for me this year. Hoping he becomes a future Mariner as well

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