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La classe désastreuse de Laz Diaz lors du match Blue Jays vs Yankees

La classe désastreuse de Laz Diaz lors du match Blue Jays vs Yankees

Par swingandmiss7


  1. I’m pretty sure both teams wanted to jump him in the parking lot after this crap. Just brutal

  2. Jbaquero

    Miracle that many runs were scored with a zone like that

  3. GrayBoyLoop

    I wonder how much Wells’ framing advantage matters when the umpire is this lost in the sauce.  Do elite framers do better the worse the game calling is?

  4. yianni1229

    « The human element »

    get the fuck out

  5. Everytime a ball outside is called a strike an Angel gets its wings.

  6. RussStringerB

    Jesus, Laz!

    Laz gets way too little hate. He’s just as bad as guys like Angel and Bucknor, but people don’t give him his shit covered flowers often enough.

  7. TeqMunee885

    Real question: Do umpires have to pass regular vision tests?

    This isn’t a « ump needs glasses » joke. I do legitimately believe game calling has gotten worse over the last decade, and I’m starting to wonder if the increase in spin rate and velocity is just making it MUCH harder for men in their 40s, 50s, and sometimes even 60s to pick up the ball and know when and where it is crossing the plate. All online information I found says you need 20/20 vision to be admitted to a MLB umpiring training camp, but everything about the way the umps union protected garbage members like Angel Hernandez tells me they have would have made sure continuing competence checks for union members wouldn’t be a thing.

  8. Cryptolango

    Laz and CB need to « do an Angel »!

  9. Somecommentator8008

    The strike three to Springer first time was the worst. Wells didn’t even try to frame it and Laz called it for strike three.

  10. LocalHero_P1

    Has Kirk always lifted his arm up so high or was it a case of Laz was calling everything so who even cares about subtle framing

  11. Abmawahs

    Baseball will be so much better once they get rid of these egotistical refs with zero accountability. They make call after call that we can all see is wrong and that’s just supposed to be accepted.

  12. SwarthySphere87

    Why did Boone tell Laz « You’re better than that » after that one ejection? It’s been clear he’s never been good at calling balls outside the buffer zone balls. Worse, he doesn’t even care to improve *his* zone

  13. KommanderKitten

    This is the reason I’m a big fan of the challenge. Takes 30 extra seconds and calls out this BS

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