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Les Royals ont enregistré 3 arrêts ratés lors de la défaite de ce soir.

Les Royals ont enregistré 3 arrêts ratés lors de la défaite de ce soir.

Par MIguy734


  1. champdo

    They’re a long ways away from the days of Herrera, Davis, and Holland.

  2. Far_Cry3445

    I enjoy this news since I assumed when they were up 3-1 they were gonna win and this is how I found out they didn’t

  3. TeseoTheBunny

    What’s the most blown saves in a win?

  4. Luis_Severino

    What do I need to do to get blown three times in one night 

  5. MasterScooby11

    Smelt it in the air when Harvey went out in the ninth

  6. StreetsofBodie

    If you don’t like that. You don’t like royals baseball

  7. confused-koala


  8. Puzzleheaded_Pound31

    Gotta be a record of some sort

  9. AnybodySeeMyKeys

    It was a heck of a game, I have to say.

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