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(Nestico) Le plus grand nombre de coups de circuit sans boulettes de viande – 2024

Par Knightbear49


  1. 27 non-meatball home runs compared to only 5 meatball home runs feels kind of crazy, though I don’t have context for what that normally looks like.

  2. OCHL092018

    Deversenjoyer looking on at how he created one of the stupidest discourses on Twitter.

  3. Comfortable_Brain696

    That’s not fair. We don’t even have anyone on our team with 19 home runs. Can we maybe focus at around the 6-8 area? 

  4. boozinf

    story checks out about Jose « Every Peeetch is Home Run Peeetch » Ramírez and Nayls

    they’re here to take cuts that rip the time-space continuum and punch Tim Anderson, and they’re all out of Tim Andersons

  5. ComprehensiveMeat562

    This is really stupid. A « meatball » is entirely subjective to the player. Just because it wasn’t a hanging breaking ball or middle middle doesn’t mean the particular player wouldn’t consider it a « meatball »

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