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(Hoch) Aaron Judge a réussi 298 home runs en carrière et deviendra bientôt le joueur le plus rapide à atteindre les 300 en termes de matchs joués. Ralph Kiner détient le record actuel avec 1 087 matchs – aujourd’hui, c’est le 945e match de Judge.

(Hoch) Aaron Judge a réussi 298 home runs en carrière et deviendra bientôt le joueur le plus rapide à atteindre les 300 en termes de matchs joués. Ralph Kiner détient le record actuel avec 1 087 matchs – aujourd’hui, c’est le 945e match de Judge.

Par ActualDragonHeart


  1. MattO2000

    Gonna looks real silly when Judge goes on a 143 game homerless streak


  2. duyogurt

    Ralph Kiner was the most feared hitter of his time, and rarely is spoken about these days.

    Kiner broke into the league in 1946 at age 23 and led the NL is homers. He then went on to lead the majors in home runs the next 6 seasons. In his 8th season, he hit 35 but began having back troubles. By his 9th year in the league, the injuries began to pile up and had trouble staying on the field. He had to retire young at age 32 after 10 full seasons and part of another.

    Kiner was easily on pace to hit 500 homers when 500 was elite, and had an outside shot at 600.

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