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Freeman, joueur des Dodgers, affirme que son fils de 3 ans est atteint du syndrome de Guillain-Barré

Freeman, joueur des Dodgers, affirme que son fils de 3 ans est atteint du syndrome de Guillain-Barré

Par starstufft


  1. SoSublim3

    oh man……Prayers for the little guy and hope you come out the other side of this thing stronger little man.

  2. candlestick_compass

    Scary stuff. Hopefully it all works out for the little guy.

  3. thickbanana05

    Never like to hear such news. Prayers up for the freeman family

  4. He’s going to 100% recover. I just know it. All of baseball loves you, Freddy. You are a great dad.

  5. thebardofdoom

    My grandmother made a full recovery from this when she was in her early 60s. She was told she may never walk again, and it took about 8 months to prove them wrong.

    My heart goes out to Freddie and his family.

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