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Les difficultés défensives d’Oneil Cruz continuent alors qu’il commet deux erreurs sur une action

Les difficultés défensives d’Oneil Cruz continuent alors qu’il commet deux erreurs sur une action

Par DefinitelyLevi


  1. DefinitelyLevi

    Cruz has three(!) errors tonight through 3 innings

  2. lawnicus18

    Why the hell is he sprinting over there for that ball anyways

  3. BacoNATEor

    It’s a shame. Woodford is pitching much better than I expected

  4. Fapey101

    He literally sprinted half way across the field to make that error 😭

  5. CyberpunkOC

    Reminds me of Tatis errors at SS. Try too hard to make spectacular play out of position, botch it, then make it worse by firing a wild laser throw.

  6. Weaponized_Goose

    That’s the left fielders ball, wtf is he doing

  7. Free-Scale-7672

    Cruz is playing like he bet on the Astros tonight

  8. Jonjon428

    What the fuck is a SS doing all the way in the outfield?

  9. JorSimpson45

    Guy at work who tries to do too much and everyone else ends up with more work trying to fix what he did.

  10. thecountoncleats

    What do you expect when you have a CF playing short?

  11. ImPickleRock

    You don’t have a De La in front of your Cruz…stay in the infield!

  12. Due_Connection179

    It might be time to teach him how to play 1B.

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