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(Divish) Un Mitch Garver ému : « C’est probablement le match le plus dur que j’ai jamais eu à jouer. C’est de loin le pire match que j’ai joué dans ma carrière. C’est dur pour moi et ma famille avec les menaces de mort, les « retraite », les « tu es nul », les « putain de suicide » et toutes ces conneries. Ça commence à devenir lassant… »

Lien vers le fil de discussion Twitter.

Voici la citation complète :

"C’est probablement le match le plus dur que j’ai jamais eu à jouer. C’est de loin le pire match que j’ai joué dans ma carrière. C’est dur pour moi et ma famille avec les menaces de mort, les « prends ta retraite », les « tu es nul », les « putain de suicide » et tout ce genre de conneries. Ça commence à devenir lassant. La seule façon de changer ça, c’est de mieux jouer, mais c’est comme continuer pour l’instant. Donc le pire, c’est que je joue plus ici. Et c’est normal. Je ne joue pas bien."

"J’ai déjà accepté le fait que je n’atteindrai pas les .200 cette année. Et je ne sais pas. Cela ne s’améliorera peut-être pas. Qui sait ? Peut-être que cela empirera. Je ne sais pas. Mais je me présente sur le terrain tous les jours, prêt à jouer, prêt à m’améliorer, à travailler dur et à contrôler ce que je peux contrôler. Et les gens qui disent certaines choses disent ce qu’ils veulent. Je pense que j’apporte beaucoup à cette équipe."

"Je n’ai jamais rien abandonné. Je ne vais certainement pas abandonner ça. Ils vont devoir m’arracher mon maillot. C’est bien. C’est une solution facile. Je pourrais prendre ma retraite maintenant, rentrer chez moi et vivre une belle vie avec ma famille. Ce n’est pas ce que je fais. Je me suis engagé pour deux ans avec cette équipe. Ils croient en moi, mes coéquipiers croient en moi. Il s’agit donc de faire en sorte que ça marche et quand ça marche, de bonnes choses se produiront."

Par NevermoreSEA


  1. Comfortable_Brain696

    Some people really take the sport too seriously and are constantly negative. From the media to individual fans… everyone just has to realize it’s a game and we’re meant to have fun first, not hate on people every chance we get. 

  2. Affectionate-Air5582

    I am a massive Mariners and can honestly say yes, I was very frustrated with Garvers’ performance today. However, people who issue threats over a baseball game are seriously messed up.

  3. JackyDot

    You hear “players are humans, too” so often that it can start to lose its meaning. Now is a good time to reflect on that — social media’s direct-to-athlete line of communications is so tough on some dudes

  4. Icyhoticycold

    Losers. Blame Jerry. Blame ownership. Be mad that garver sucks. But damn that’s too far and people like that need help.

  5. JacktopherSnames

    I can’t imagine going from being a kid having the time of your life playing the game you love, to having people say stuff like this to you because you’re having a bad year. There’s absolutely no excuse for this. Do better people.

  6. Clarice_Ferguson

    I like Garver a lot and I still he can contribute to the team – he’s had his moments for sure.

    And that comment on not hitting above .200 is so heartbreaking. You know a lot of guys put value in BA still. And it has to be hard to come to Seattle, struggle whether its the park or age and look up at the scoreboard in July and still see you’re below .200. That has to take a toll.

  7. femboymariners

    Ok I hate having garver on the team but that’s absolutely abhorrent from people to say, so fucked

  8. onioning

    I am generally very opposed to the US prosecuting more regularly, but they should prosecute the death threat stuff. Society shouldn’t tolerate that garbage. I’m not saying twenty years in prison, but prosecute, and elevate the punishment for repeat offenders. It’s already illegal. Maybe they need to update the laws to make it less easy to wiggle out of it. And, I mean, I’m an anarchist. I’m normally strongly opposed to more prosecution and convictions. Just that it’s a legitimate right of society to not have death threats levied against you.

    And of course, death threats over poor professional ballplaying is just outright despicable. Normalizing this has been a disastrous mistake.

  9. officerliger

    This shit is going to keep happening with sports fans as long as there is a 24/7 sports media in the business of ratcheting up people’s emotions, the more we learn about mental illness the more we realize some people do not have the IRL self-control for these ups and downs

    Like there’s so many platforms for people to talk all the shit they want to talk and let that out, and some people still choose to pop in a players’ DMs with a death threat. I really don’t want baseball games to get like Euro soccer with prison style security because the insane people start attacking players.

  10. OGBRedditThrowaway

    I just can’t understand caring enough about baseball to threaten the lives of the players. I watch like 700 hours of this sport every season, every game of the playoffs, I played hundreds of hours of Super Mega Baseball every year. Like, I’m an addict for this sport.

    But I have not once stopped and said to myself, « Ugh, fuck Chas McCormick. His family needs to die. »

  11. melcolnik

    Look what youve done to my beautiful boy, Seattle!! This is not garvsaucy. Do better.

  12. Electric1800

    this is so sad 😞
    Especially after the year he had last year, it’s almost like he’s still playing with the rangers who are also all massively underperforming.

  13. Lancek0009

    It does feel like all these toxic behaviors are fuel by gambling, entertainment shouldn’t cost you to lost all humanity, but money can, at that point you have a gambling problem.

  14. endoftheline22

    Anyone whose saying this stuff to a player is a straight up weirdo

  15. LFGSD98

    The way people feel over athletes and umpires as well is so uncalled for sometimes. I don’t have hard evidence, but I think sports betting has a relational cause to this.

  16. mallslut420

    Jesus Christ, Mariners fans.

    Chill the fuck out.

  17. ThatsBushLeague

    If you’re a pro athlete you absolute cannot have notifications turned on for social media anymore. It sucks, but the reality is there are a few assholes that ruin things for everyone.

    Bobby Witt episode on Hosmer pod cast talks a little bit about this. Hosmer explains how he kept looking at it because he wanted to live up to the contract. Bobby has his turned off. Moylan was able to use it as motivation sometimes but other times it was bad for him. Gives a glimpse in to older players like Garver who didn’t have to deal with this in HS and college so take it more to heart.

  18. HMTMKMKM95

    If I had people telling me to kill myself everytime I fucked up at my job, I’d start to hate my job instead of using that failure to learn from it. Perfection is hard to achieve. Even harder when the evil peanut gallery is yellibg in your ear.

  19. The Venn diagram of people who say shit like this to athletes and who say they shouldn’t make the money they make because « they just play a game » is one circle

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