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(Brandon Dixon) Sur la façon dont Al Avila lui a coûté 1 200 000 $ et l’a ensuite libéré

(Brandon Dixon) Sur la façon dont Al Avila lui a coûté 1 200 000 $ et l’a ensuite libéré

Par champdo


  1. That’s actually disgusting.

    For every time people make fun of a team for « doing right by a player », it’s worth remembering that there’s a ton of this kind of stuff happening behind the scenes. The Tigers absolutely knew that he wasn’t in their future, so to lie to him *and* the NPB team only to cut him *six weeks later*…

  2. ProfessionalPlate482

    Wonder if he ever brought it up with MLBPA. Don’t know what they could have done about it, though.

  3. Bravefan212

    Players know. There are reasons certain teams never get free agents.

  4. Paseyfeert22

    Is that supposed to be 1,200,000 or 12,000,000

  5. ElderDeep_Friend

    There is a lot of anger at the current Detroit GM (he’s been in the job 2 years and in my opinion the jury is still out), but the more we hear about Avila the more it sounds like he was all around terrible. This is an example of him being awful but probably also incompetent. You should know with confidence which guys are on the bubble and the Tigers didn’t have an excess of young bats coming up in 2020. 

    If anyone is curious Avila is also responsible for creating an abysmal minor league system with poor coaching and lack of uniformity, in spite of the fact that he made a very public announcement that he was trying to create uniformity. He pushed top prospects up before they were ready (Torkelson is the prime example). He claimed to be creating a robust sabremetric department, but it was clear Harris needed to totally fix that when he took over. Avila made desperate acquisitions like that of Baez, which even if they turned out well he should have known the team was rebuilding.

    The significant choice he made which worked out was hiring AJ Hinch, but there are some things worth noting. It seems like Hinch it incredibly regretful of his involvement in the Astros’ scandal and he seems like a good manager, but when you piece together Avila’s track record, his Hiring of Hinch after the suspension is eyebrow raising.

  6. TheWawa_24

    I have no idea why he is not in more worst gm in the league conversations

  7. Damn_Dog_Inappropes

    Can someone summarize for me? I can’t get to Xitter at work.

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