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(Kostka) Le premier home run de Jackson Holliday en ligue majeure a eu lieu sur Eutaw Street. Quelle belle façon de commencer.

(Kostka) Le premier home run de Jackson Holliday en ligue majeure a eu lieu sur Eutaw Street. Quelle belle façon de commencer.

Par PlayaSlayaX


  1. Therealnightshow

    Get the statue and plaque ready now. I’m bout to O so hard

  2. Spadestep

    The way people were crowding around it on the broadcast has led me to believe it should be considered a religious site akin to the ark of the covenant

  3. hawkins126

    Gotta be the first time a dudes first homer landed on eutaw street

  4. TheBigFreezer

    #129 all-time – he’ll get a plaque on that spot after the season

    Fun fact: the first Eutaw Street HR was given up by Ben MacDonald – today’s color commentator

  5. kbuva19

    Whoever snagged that ball is about to be wealthy

  6. Oh fuck that infield is going to be a problem for decades

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