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Les moments forts de Brett Phillips K’ing the Side. Jusqu’à 97 mph avec une Wicked Breaking Ball. (@PitchingNinja)

Les moments forts de Brett Phillips K’ing the Side. Jusqu’à 97 mph avec une Wicked Breaking Ball. (@PitchingNinja)

Par SenorTortas


  1. Jeff_Banks_Monkey

    So is it THE Brett Phillips? Or an imposter Brett Phillips

  2. Orgasmitchh

    97 mph lefty reliever with gas that could theoretically act as a defensive sub on non pitching days. Interested to see how this plays out. Best of luck Brett

    Edit: I’m gonna leave this as is but I could have sworn he was L/L 🤷🏻‍♂️

  3. new_wellness_center

    Well he’s definitely gonna be attempting a comeback as a pitcher.

  4. beefytrout

    where are all the trades someone wake up preller its f5 season

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