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(Point fort) Will Smith quitte les Red Sox avec un simple

(Point fort) Will Smith quitte les Red Sox avec un simple

Par amatom27


  1. RussStringerB

    This series is brutal for Red Sox so far. 2 8th-inning leads and 2 losses.

  2. davopavolavo

    We could’ve won this game like three times but goddamn that umpire was fucking horrible. Jesus

  3. EvilShadow80

    Surprised Laz didn’t call that a ball

  4. ChunkyMilkSubstance


  5. Domainsetter

    Laz Diaz is a garbage umpire.

    Great game though

  6. BruinsFuck

    That loss fucking SUCKS.

    But shout out Kike man. Try to steal one tomorrow.

  7. 10sekki


  8. hubagruben

    Great game. Shame it ended after the top of the 9th and then again after the top of the 10th

  9. Appropriate-Sort-202

    This team is showing tremendous fight post ASB.

    Fucking love it.

    Dodger baseball is officially back.


  10. giannim24

    Gg, fuck roided piece of garbage Tyler O’Neill

  11. Jonjon428

    What an incredible game to watch as a neutral. Absolutely peak baseball

  12. LearningT0Fly

    What a game! Fuck yourself, Cora. xoxo

  13. ZeppoJR

    Is that like the third IBB to Shohei and the second time it immediately backfired?

  14. BubblyBaker5718

    I was watching the tail end of the game and while I mean I get it, truly, there is something humorous about how much the Red Sox absolutely refused to let Ohtani be the one who beat them lmao

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