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(NightengaleJr) Bonne nouvelle : Carlos Correa a quitté le match avec une contusion au doigt droit. Les premiers examens n’ont pas révélé de fracture.

(NightengaleJr) Bonne nouvelle : Carlos Correa a quitté le match avec une contusion au doigt droit. Les premiers examens n’ont pas révélé de fracture.

Par Knightbear49


  1. SteveCastGames

    Out of context this makes it sound like he’s glad Correa is hurt.

  2. DecoyOne

    Title is written like Correa stole this man’s wife

    >“Good news: that sniveling rat bastard Carlos Correa has had his comeuppance”

  3. Sarcastic__

    Wouldn’t it be better news if he didn’t leave the game cause of a potential injury?

  4. Th3Unkn0wnn

    >Good news: Carlos Correa left the game

  5. VikingsAreBetter

    I’m just confused why so many Astros fans hate Correa of all people.

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