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L’as des Dragons de Chunichi, Hiroto Takahashi, a lancé un Maddux contre les Hiroshima Carp. Ligne finale : 9,0 IP, 0 R, 4 H, 1 BB, 7 K, 99 P. Son ERA tombe à 0,64

L’as des Dragons de Chunichi, Hiroto Takahashi, a lancé un Maddux contre les Hiroshima Carp. Ligne finale : 9,0 IP, 0 R, 4 H, 1 BB, 7 K, 99 P. Son ERA tombe à 0,64

Par thecursedlexus

1 Comment

  1. thecursedlexus

    He still had enough in the tank to pump 96 in the 9th inning.

    He’s 21.

    « When’s he gonna get posted? » He’s not. The Chunichi Dragons are an anti-posting team. If he’s coming over to MLB he’s doing it as an International Free Agent, which requires 9 years of service time, so not for another 6 years at least.

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