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(JomboyMedia) Les huées sont de sortie au Yankee Stadium après ce jeu à faible effort de Trent Grisham

(JomboyMedia) Les huées sont de sortie au Yankee Stadium après ce jeu à faible effort de Trent Grisham

Par puppytossedsalad


  1. KrustyKrabPizzaMan

    He’d be DFA’d and heading to play in Japan if Dominguez were healthy

  2. buttwarmers

    It’s no big deal, according to Yankees fans they are already eliminated from post-season contention so what’s the point in trying?

  3. iwillcontradictyou

    Live look in on my weekend league

  4. hangout_wangout

    It was a matter of time before his casual catching of balls like its practice caught up to him.

  5. makashiII_93

    Luis Robert thinks that’s low effort.

    Glad he took second there.

  6. PrecedentialAssassin

    I Started watching and was like, no biggie, he cadillaced a single…then the oops and poops and omg. Hilarious.

  7. Bill2theE

    Don’t worry. I’m sure Stroman will yell at them and fix everything

  8. WerewolfNo3669

    This the Trent Grisham I’m used to.

  9. gatesofwrath

    Giving Brewers fans PTSD of watching him bumble a ball in the outfield.

  10. superhappyfuntime13

    Pretty ballsy move with Stroman on the mound

  11. Thorlolita

    Boone just looks dejected in the dugout too.

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