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Option nationale Joey Meneses

Option nationale Joey Meneses

Par Knightbear49


  1. Redbubble89

    Good story 2 years ago but really over stayed his welcome. Nationals have the worst 3-4-5 hitters this year and it’s where offenses should score runs. I’m surprised he stuck around and hitting 4th this whole time. The spot that had Soto, Harper, Rendon, Zimmerman, Werth, LaRoche, and Morse for the Nationals in the decade prior should actually hit. This should be Wood, Crews, House, and whoever going forward. They dragged Meneses out way too long.

  2. YamamotoMinami

    Long overdue, but it kind of made sense in that we really didn’t have anybody else to put at first base. Jesse Winker got a couple of reps there in pre-game but looked pretty uncomfortable so that didn’t really go anywhere. Riley Adams got some reps in AAA and went 2-2 today so I’m guessing that’s the plan now.

  3. Really wish he could’ve turned it around. Just doesn’t have it this year.

    This is Christmas for all of the worst Nats fans on Twitter, but also it makes sense lol

  4. ContinuumGuy

    This is both entirely justified given how he’s hitting this season but also sad to see.

  5. jorleeduf

    One of the few times they messed up not trading someone when they should’ve during this rebuild. Really shows how well run they are even when they aren’t good

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