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(Point fort) Jesse Winker arrive pour les Nats avec un coup de circuit en tant que frappeur suppléant pour prendre la tête en 8e !

(Point fort) Jesse Winker arrive pour les Nats avec un coup de circuit en tant que frappeur suppléant pour prendre la tête en 8e !

Par TheTurtleShepard


  1. TheTurtleShepard

    The power of Grimace is waning now that we are in July

  2. Folk_Legend

    Winker has been a Met killer for years now

  3. gamesforlife69

    Quite easily the worst bullpen in the major leagues

  4. Terminal_Flatulence

    Wesse Jinker comes up clutch yet again.

  5. DemonFrog

    Winker now has 6 home runs in 23 AB against Houser lmfao. That is some ownage

  6. SofieTerleska

    I’ve been listening to this game since it was the first one of the day and what an amazing game from both pitchers — Nats fans got a good Fourth of July gift today.

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