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Un supporter du Globe Life Field rebondit sur le filet pour attraper une balle fausse, est expulsé, puis réintégré après appel

Un supporter du Globe Life Field rebondit sur le filet pour attraper une balle fausse, est expulsé, puis réintégré après appel

Par verdi1987


  1. Padres players motioned for security to bring him back

  2. nippsvontvvist

    He completely whiffed, should’ve kept him out. If he caught it, he stays. I don’t make the rules

  3. ImaManCheetahh

    I’m fine with him getting let back in, but also seems like the ejection was justified lmao

  4. ConsistentSea4136

    Fans are allowed to jump above the players dugout?

  5. Apprehensive-Cheese

    A fan having some harmless fun at a baseball game?

    What a clown! Get his ass outta there! 🤬 /s

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